Ting Bie, Teacher, Launceston Church Grammar School

“My current job is my dream job – It is challenging and stimulating and aligns perfectly with my qualifications and past experiences.”

Before moving to Tasmania, Ting studied and worked as a high school teacher at an international school in Beijing. His experiences ranged from mathematics education to university counselling, language testing and to teacher training, giving him a big advantage in his Master of Teaching at the University of Tasmania (UTAS).

Ting benefitted from one of the key features of the Master of Teaching course at UTAS, its extensive professional experience placements. Ting undertook a series of supervised teaching placements in different Tasmanian school environments with his final placement securing him his current position at Launceston Church Grammar School.

Tasmania provided Ting a range of professional development and intercultural experiences to immerse himself in. As the International Student Representative of the Tasmanian Education Society, Ting ran a weekly support group for first-year education students from overseas, helping them understand the culture and practices of Australian schools.

Within a short two years, Ting became a full-time specialist teacher at one of the most prestigious independent schools in Tasmania. Ting received the International Student Shine Award (International Student of the Year) from the Department of State Growth, in recognition of his academic skills, professional experience, and voluntary service in the wider community.

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This page was last updated on 10 July 2024